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6 search results for "Carl Jung"

  1. fish symbol synchronicity
    To grasp the full power of a symbol, we need to go back to the root meaning of the word. “Symbol” is derived from the Greek σύμβολον (sýmbolon)
    #symbols #synchronicity
  2. Jung
    ian psychoanalysis: we are all fragmented and divided, and knowingly or not, we’re all searching for our souls acquired mind; Taoist, culture
    #therapeutic #individuality #manly #womanly #phenomenology #subject
  3. jung house in the woods retreat
    Deep Work
    #biographical #solitude #concentration
  4. extending individual therapy to collective
    We’re not attacking therapy so much as trying to extend it, reveal its blind spots … it’s not the idea of doing therapy that is wrong; there are
    #phenomenology #therapeutic #discovery #collective
  5. earn the treasure of the philosophy of the East
    The ego needs the self and vice versa. The changing relations between these two entities constitute a field of experience which Eastern
  6. active imagination
    one fleshes out the meaning through asking questions, attempting interpretations, paying attention to affect, interacting in an analytic
    #imagination #practice #subject