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7 search results for "Bali, Nusantara"

  1. now
    Interspersing writing, drawing, reading, and practicing keeps my ideas fresh and creativity sharp. Breaks from projects let solutions emerge. Small iterative improvements prevent burnout and sustain momentum. Working on multiple projects brings new insights and richer outcomes.
    #drawing #coaching #spontaneity
  2. shasta
    at Burning Man play Ms. Ibex sports round goggles on furry pate through the brass an ibex peeks all other festival’s fantastical freaks
    #poetry #drawing #diaries
  3. unformed adult zelig
    The hero of Woody Allen's mockumentary film, Zelig (1983), is an unformed adult who has no sense of himself. He borrows other people's identity, thinking he can be anybody. Actually, he is without a body.
    #film #mimetic #drawing #embodiment #diaries
  4. sym-metry
    Call for symmetry seeks the right aim, but achieves it in the wrong way. The headstrong efforts often lead us into the same drain.
    #feminism #diaries
  5. moving Grammarly documents to markdown folder
    I’ve used Grammarly for the last decade. I was pleased with how quickly they improved their grammar and punctuation checks. The synonym suggestions
    #technology #programming #writing #language #diaries
  6. handwritten or typewritten journaling
    I might say that handwritten journals excel at rereading. Holding an object that is an evidence of time, an example of craft, and a symbol of
    #journaling #creative #somatic #diaries
  7. eighteen thousand photos and videos rescue
    Today I learned how to recover 100 GB of old pictures from “google captivity” with just five lines of text commands in the Terminal. I used Google
    #programming #photography #diaries