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18 search results for "Barbara Tversky"

  1. motor simulation or resonance
    Many names for more or less the same phenomenon: motor simulation, motor resonance, embodiment; simulating the actions in our bodies, by embodying
    #phenomenology #embodiment #knowledge #perception
  2. movement and action in space
    Space places two fundamental constraints (that are reflected in though) on movement: proximity—near places are easier to get to than far ones; and
    #movement #spatiality #buildings
  3. homunculi, mind in motion
    We map our bodies onto our brains, onto the homunculus, the “little man,” sprawled ear-to-ear across the cortex, of our brains, a thick, crenellated
  4. who, what, and where
    are so fundamental that the brain has specialized regions for recognizing them, multiple for each: faces, bodies, objects, scenes. When is harder,
  5. understanding other bodies
    Our perception and understanding of the bodies of others are deeply connected to the actions and sensations of our own bodies. The connection of our
    #embodiment #somatic #perception #sensory
  6. specific and abstract labels
    Calling ordinary things with more abstract or more specific labels sounds odd in ordinary situations. If I offer you a ride because I’ve brought my
  7. sensory homunculus
    Rather than representing the sizes of the body parts, the sizes of the cortical representations of the various body parts are proportional to the
    #sensory #spatiality
  8. mirroring, internalizing and imitatating body movements
    How we interact with the things in the world alters the ways we perceive the world. The bodies of others are the most important things we encounter
    #cooperation #mirroring
  9. mirror neurons, action mirroring and motor resonance
    unite doing and seeing for specific actions, action and perception are joined automatically by specific individual neurons without any mediation
    #perception #sensory #mirroring
  10. linear structure
    narratives have a linear structure driven by time, theories have a linear structure directed by logic speaking is linear, one word after another,
    #language #phenomenology #music
  11. integrating action and sensation
    We take the connections between what we see and what we feel for granted, but human babies don’t enter the world with those connections; the
    #perception #sensory
  12. human sensitivity to biological motion
    Human sensitivity to biological motion documented by Gunnar Johansson, Swedish perceptual psychologist, 1973, using point-light videos (people
  13. entrainment and conversational coordination
    Conversation requires complementary coordination on many levels … conversation partners collaborate on creating meaning, and much of that
    #conversation #actions #cooperation
  14. coordinating bodies, cooperation
    There are so many ways that organisms rapidly coordinate their behavior with each other performing the same action at the same time in the same
  15. categories and taxonomy
    linear structure who, what, and where set of categories from the literary philosopher Jorge Luis Borges example of poetic categories—taxonomy of the
    #poetry #philosophical #knowledge
  16. animacy, self-propelled bodies
    The actions of bodies are qualitatively different from the actions of other objects: bodies are self-propelled, which means bodies can perform
  17. minimum joint action
    Both electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional MRI (fMRI) research shows that participants keep their joint task (the overall goal and procedures)
  18. insider perspective of the body
    We have an insider’s view of the body, one shaped by our actions and sensations, unlike our outsider view of other things in our world that is