mirror neurons, action mirroring and motor resonance
- unite doing and seeing for specific actions, action and perception are joined automatically by specific individual neurons without any mediation whatsoever. Action mirroring, sometimes called motor resonance, underlies action understanding. Seeing is mapped to doing and doing is mapped to seeing. Mirror neurons underlie the understanding part of imitation, but not the doing part … seeing is not imitating and that understanding is not doing. Motor resonance, however is real: that is, seeing action causes associated motor regions of the brain and even associated muscles to activate.
- brain activity networks involved in the mirror system: premotor cortex, intraparietal sulcus, right superior parietal lobe, and left posterior superior temporal sulcus
linked mentions for "mirror neurons, action mirroring and motor resonance":
mirroring, internalizing and imitatating body movements
How we interact with the things in the world alters the ways we perceive the world. The bodies of others are the most important things we encounter
How we interact with the things in the world alters the ways we perceive the world. The bodies of others are the most important things we encounter