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5 search results for "Speaking Being"

  1. Why AI Will Save The World 
    The era of Artificial Intelligence is here, and boy are people freaking out. Fortunately, I am here to bring the good news: AI will not destroy the
  2. Protopia Futures Hopeful Visions For A Post-Growth World 
    By moving beyond binaries and incorporating the worldviews of previously marginalized voices, we can co-create shared visions of the future rooted
  3. logotherapy
    Logotherapy’s concept of man is based on three pillars, the freedom of will, the will to meaning, and the meaning of life. The first of them, the
    #triplicity #therapeutic #meaning #determinism
  4. inventing psychotherapeutic vocabulary
    Freud invented a vocabulary to describe the behaviors he observed in his work, he didn’t discover “ego” and “id” - he invented them for the use of
    #therapeutic #psychedelic #language
  5. heidegger husserl hermeneutic phenomenology
    Heidegger reformulated Edmund Husserl’s approach summarized as “to the things themselves!” as “to let that which shows itself be seen from itself in