heidegger husserl hermeneutic phenomenology
- Heidegger reformulated Edmund Husserl’s approach summarized as “to the things themselves!” as “to let that which shows itself be seen from itself in the very way in which it shows itself from itself”
- phenomenology’s fundamenal purpose is to set aside all previous theorethical and philosophical constructions (“bracketing”), in order to bring the phenomena fully into the light
- method of inquiry can penetrate the layers of appearance and semblance which normally impede our access to .. decode whether we find value in ‘’this interpretation’’ .. percieve things just by looking at them, thereby “letting be”
- aletheia (“pure sensory perception” for Greek philosophers), or unconcealment, prior to judgement or covering-up
- the process by which we develop and understand of a phenomenon (for Heidegger) is whatever undersanding we arrives at will never be the “final” one .. lack of closure, not a final truth, but a step on the way of development and testing of new vocabularies
“in such an inquiry one is constantly compelled to face the possibility of disclosing an even more primordial and more universal horizon from which we may draw the answer to the question,”What is Being?” (Heidegger, BT49)
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Why Coach Introspection?
Introspection, while potentially yielding valuable self-knowledge, may also lead to self-obsession and chronic rumination. We have to penetrate the layers of appearances and develop the capacity to hold several contradictory or paradoxical ideas about ourselves in our minds at the same time.
Hillman - an artist of psychology
re-visioning writing about psychology; style and imagination are method; empiricism has it’s own style and need not be taken literally on it’s own
Introspection, while potentially yielding valuable self-knowledge, may also lead to self-obsession and chronic rumination. We have to penetrate the layers of appearances and develop the capacity to hold several contradictory or paradoxical ideas about ourselves in our minds at the same time.
re-visioning writing about psychology; style and imagination are method; empiricism has it’s own style and need not be taken literally on it’s own