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4 search results for "Moshé Feldenkrais"

  1. anxiety of motivation for action
    the urge to enact them is greater than the urge not to, we enact them compulsively under an emotional pressure … in compulsive behaviour, we are
    #compulsion #anxiety
  2. personal experience in developing voluntary control
    the importance of personal experience in the formation of spontaneous behavior … that is possible only so long as the environment remains
    #spontaneity #perseverance #autonomy
  3. maturity vs means of obtaining approval
    for some people, their good looks — for others, absolute unselfishness, absolute virility, superman ideas, absolute goodness, and all kinds of
    #compulsion #distraction
  4. enacting behaviour of others
    subjective and relative notion … trained observer can tell whether a given action is spontaneous or compulsive what is important to one person is of
    #spontaneity #compulsion #mimetic