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3 notes tagged "#ampersand"

  1. Ellipsis Chapter 9  
    Forced to shelter in her downtown apartment with a group of strangers, who become her family of chance, Ellie, a young college drop-out, learns about love, friendship, belonging, and the all-new limits of the personal and collective resilience in the world with no internet.
    fiction ampersand
  2. ampersand, chapter two, “the Sur”  
    Jon, a successful entrepreneur in his mid-30s, has fallen into loneliness and despair, without any particular life trauma. He questions society and himself taking a trip through Big Sur, California, where he faces his suppressed inner femininity and interpersonal intimacy issues. The Ampersand, Ch.2
    #protopian #ampersand #california #sexuality
  3. ampersand, chapter two, “the Sur”  
    Jon, a successful entrepreneur in his mid-30s, has fallen into loneliness and despair, without any particular life trauma. He questions society and himself taking a trip through Big Sur, California, where he faces his suppressed inner femininity and interpersonal intimacy issues. The Ampersand, Ch.2
    ampersand sexuality

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