unpsychological thinking giegerich
Wolfgang Giegerich: … makes our thinking unpsychological by making us wish for, or even need, empirical verification, scientific truth, and systematizations … fantasy of the possibility of heroically breaking out of myth, into “fact,” “truth,” “science”
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Why Coach Introspection?
Introspection, while potentially yielding valuable self-knowledge, may also lead to self-obsession and chronic rumination. We have to penetrate the layers of appearances and develop the capacity to hold several contradictory or paradoxical ideas about ourselves in our minds at the same time.
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Castaneda’s most beautiful trick was based on the popular belief in the existence of fiction and nonfiction. This belief takes it for granted that
Introspection, while potentially yielding valuable self-knowledge, may also lead to self-obsession and chronic rumination. We have to penetrate the layers of appearances and develop the capacity to hold several contradictory or paradoxical ideas about ourselves in our minds at the same time.
Castaneda’s most beautiful trick was based on the popular belief in the existence of fiction and nonfiction. This belief takes it for granted that