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5 notes tagged "code"

  1. have some

  2. the fortieth solar return
    I used to have nice and peaceful days in the month leading up to my birthday, but in the last several years, starting with the first summer of
    #fourfold #astrology #code
  3. eighteen thousand photos and videos rescue
    Today I learned how to recover 100 GB of old pictures from “google captivity” with just five lines of text commands in the Terminal. I used Google
    #code #photography #diaries
  4. moving Grammarly documents to markdown folder
    I’ve used Grammarly for the last decade. I was happy how quickly they improved the grammar and punctuation checks. The synonym suggestion worked
    #technology #code #writing #language #diaries
  5. Hey, Haley
    An “SMS poem” explores sexting and romance in the age of dating apps. Deprived of voice and touch, two people attempt to bridge their differences
    #poetry #code #diaries

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