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4 search results for "Scott Barry Kaufman"

  1. four-stage creative process model
    traditional four-stage model is far too simplistic … The Art of Thought, British social psychologist Graham Wallas, proposed that the creative
    #creative #fourfold
  2. creative work brings disparate elements together
    Creative people are hubs of diverse interests, influences, behaviors, qualities, and ideas—and through their work, they find a way to bring these
    #creative #quotes
  3. creative dance of contradictions
    “a creature of many contradictions and a protean shapeshifter if there ever was one—said that he often reflected upon the many “selves” that he had
    #creative #autotelic #imagination
  4. toggling between imaginative and rational
    fiction-writing process (research conducted on a group of novelists) as a “voyage of discovery” that begins with a seed incident—an event or
    #creative #imagination #experiential