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30 search results for "James Hollis"

  1. transferring journey to companionship
    loneliness that serves both the achievement of personhood and the quality of any relationship … the more one can embrace one’s separateness, the
    #journey #solitude #individuality
  2. tenacity of provisional definitions of ourselves
    we have been defined by our history, our attachments, our provisional definitions of ourselves and others, and we cling to our history with tenacity
  3. suffering disconnect from meaning
    we are the animal that suffers disconnect from meaning … our system produces a complex series of interactions — feeling responses, dreams ranging
    #meaning #choice
  4. responsible choice that makes sense
    This mélange of messages is so profuse. How can we ever choose? And yet, we make choices on a moment-to-moment basis, and not to choose is of course
    #accountability #choice
  5. patterns of cultural influences and personal biographies
    where we find patterns, we also will likely find core, emotion-laden ideas within us … internalised messages from daily life (from popular media,
    #culture #relationship
  6. longing for wholeness
    excerpt from a conversation with him in our Summer 1995 issue, “The Stranger.” being a stranger is a beautiful state of being. So it is difficult
  7. longing for the freedom of our chains
    the frequent choice to remain within the predictable, the safe, the familiar, even the miserable, thinking it preferable to the uncertainty of the
    #choice #responsibility
  8. life is a series of attachment and losses
    the nature of our psyche is based on change, growth, curiosity, and imagination. But there are very conservative elements within us that retain a
    #change #perseverance #resistance
  9. individuation comes from the little people
    Jung once noted that individuation does not come from on high, from the royal ego managing affairs, but from “the little people,” the split-off
  10. hero quest unifying pattern
    one of the two great unifying mythic patterns (the other being the Eternal Return, the death-rebirth cycle), is the mythologem of the hero quest,
    #journey #myth #heroic
  11. freedom to choose recoils in anxiety of change
    never in human history have individuals been freer to choose their life path, their values, and to serve what is true for them. what is most
    #individuality #change #culture
  12. fear and desire for solicitude of mother
    any child longs for Mother’s solicitude … mother betrayed her role and forever charged that feminine imago … with fear sufficient to match the
    #mother #security #childhood
  13. fate commencing second half of life
    the second half of life occurs when people, for whatever reason — death of partner, end of marriage, illness, retirement, whatever — are obliged to
  14. exigencies of childhood vulnerability
    the literal dependence of terribly vulnerable child on its relationships is profoundly overlearned, overconditioned … it becomes difficult later to
    #solitude #childhood #courage
  15. doubt fuel for change precursor for growth
    The German word for doubt, Zwedeln (“twoness”), suggests the split we feel when we experience doubt … , which is the precursor for all growth
  16. developmental task of the swampland states
    we are challenged to grow up, to take on the journey … such enlargement is often terrifying, it is also freeing and brings dignity and meaning to
    #journey #courage #therapeutic
  17. beeing a grown-up in a contemporary culture
    contemporary culture … been grown-ups through responsibly exercising parental, fiduciary, relational, and societal roles … we play all these mature
    #culture #individuality
  18. adapting by curbing our desires
    we learned early that trying out who we are in the world often produced negative reactions … we learned to curb our desires, adapt, perhaps even
  19. work on one person myself
    I work on the one person I can work on, myself, to try to render myself more amenable to creative living in the presence of change, ambiguity, and
    #creative #courage #change
  20. experts of fear and confusion
    The world is full of people who will tell you who you are, what you are, and what you are to do and not to do, they wander amid their unaddressed
    #experts #journey #accountability
  21. triune task insight courage endurance
    finding personal authority requires two things: sorting through the traffic within and living what we find with courage and consistency Jung
    #perseverance #reality #triplicity
  22. to be afraid of the powers within
    Chögyam Trungpa defines the warrior not as an agent of destruction but as one who is “brave” … the definition of bravery: not being afraid of
    #courage #power
  23. the ubiquity of the experience of loneliness
    life begins with traumatic separation … (and) is spent trying either to recover that lost connection by some form of regressive impulse or to
  24. taking responsibility for not committing a soul-crime
    a direct function of one’s ability to take responsibility for choices, to cease blaming others or expecting rescue from them, and to acknowledge the
    #choice #individuality
  25. autonomous system that supports alignment
    wholeness involves aligning our outer choices with our inner reality. When the path we are on is right for our souls, the energy is there. When what
    #reality #choice #resistance
  26. admire the lives of others
    if we but knew what drove, hounded, and compelled those whom we admire, we might truly not want to live their lives after all. few of us realise
    #relationship #collective
  27. to show up in the best way we can
    shift from dependent psychology to psychospiritual independence perverse twins fear and lethargy That is all that life really asks of us, to show up
    #journey #courage #stoic
  28. projection and transference two dynamics of relationships
    a projection is a mechanism whereby our psychological contents leave us … seeking an object — a person, an institution, a role — upon which to
  29. perverse twins fear and lethargy
    managing fear through unreflective compliance, or avoidance; lethargy takes many seductive forms … avoid tasks, stay away from what is difficult for
    #courage #distraction
  30. asking of the other what we are not addressing ourselves
    projection and transference two dynamics of relationships our existential proclivities to fear and lethargy, and both nemeses win more battles than
    #heroic #relationship